holding time

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”
Dorothea Lange (1895-1965)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010: Old Photo Slides - UT 2005

These are photo slides from when I first learned to use a camera in manual mode. I was a freshman in college at UT at the time. I found these in a box. They are some of my very first rounds of film. Bc they are slides, I had to hold them up to the window and take pics of them to share them here.

This is the view from my dorm window on the 20th floor of the Castilian.

This is an alley somewhere in west campus. Back before I even knew what street photography was ;)

These were taken in Metro coffee shop, which used to be right across Guadelupe from the west mall of campus. I think it may be a different coffee shop now.
The View from Above Holding my love's hand over coffee... <3

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