holding time

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”
Dorothea Lange (1895-1965)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010: Circa Now

In an unplanned series of events, Julio and I ended up at Stage Bar listening to local SD band Circa Now last night. Well most of Circa Now... From the band's facebook page, it seems like the girl doesn't usually perform with them; instead, it looks like they have another guitarist... Thus, last night's performance was a "pared down," as the guitarist explained, version of the band.

Because I had my camera with me and the show was relaxed, not too big of a crowd, I decided to shoot the band. After, I talked the guitarist, who told me they'd be interested in seeing the shots and possibly using them for their webpage(s).

Here's what I got...

My fave

I like this one a lot...

A little post production done here, but not on all the photos. I had to move the ISO all the way up to 6400 to reduce blurred movements, hence the grainy look to all the photos.

All in all good work... But I'd like to get closer next time.

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