holding time

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”
Dorothea Lange (1895-1965)

Monday, September 20, 2010


My camera is broken. I accidentally dropped it on the concrete floor at home :( There is a dark spot in the upper left corner of every frame. Also, when I turn on the camera, the display vibrates for a while... odd. My warranty expired last month!! :( So I am taking it to Best Buy tomorrow to have the geek squad look at it.

Also, my friend Angela, who works a volunteer coordinator for Volunteer San Diego, informed me that volunteer photographers are needed to document a border clean up project. This will be my first volunteer photographer gig! I am so exicted!

But first I need to get my camera fixed ASAP!!!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010: Scripps Pier

These photos were taken at Scripps Pier Seaweed tangle
I like the way I was able to catch an old man and a young boy, who both happen to look similar, doing the same thing... It makes a simple pier shot much more interesting.
I love the sky here... The beach was so foggy, but the light kept struggling to shine through....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2011: Depth of Field

The textured concrete of the wall in the foreground is in focus, while the objects further away in the shot are blurred. This is a shallow depth of focus.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010: Grandma's House

Lots of sunlight here, slightly underexposed, but it adds to Keeton's youth... I think...

Soft light and shadow here highlight Blaise's bubbly spirit.

And Zoei K is shadowy and slightly over exposed, but I think that adds a lot her pose... tall, reserved, so young, yet so grown up!

Sisters <3

I love that all these photos ... and the many more I didn't post... will be put into refrigerator magnets ... :D

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010: Texas

My apologies for the long vacation I have taken from Fotojornalismo.... It's been a crazy past few weeks... But I am back at it and that's what matters...

These photos are from my trip home for the Labor Day weekend. I chose to use landscapes to work on my composition. None of these photos have been cropped or anything.
River in San Marcos... I like the way the reflection on the water came out. I used the silhouette of the trees to frame the photo.
Also at the river.
Fungus among us... Mushroom is placed in the upper, left 2/3 position... Rule of 1/3s
Dusty dirt road... vanishing point and rule of 1/3s used here too...
Solitude... almost breaking the rules here with the objects almost in the center of the photo... But I liked the composition none the less...
Framing again ... A pond on a farm...
I think this is my fave... and it's safe to say I have the rule of 1/3s down... time to move on... Lot's of work to do.